24-hour blood pressure measurement

In a 24-hour blood pressure measurement, your blood pressure is measured for 24 hours. This makes it possible to chart the course of your blood pressure.

The study


In a 24-hour blood pressure measurement, you will get a band around your arm with a blood pressure meter. The meter is worn with a belt around your hip. Measuring your blood pressure is automatic; the band inflates and deflates by itself. Your doctor will set how often your blood pressure is measured. The blood pressure monitor automatically stores all blood pressure values. In addition, the device also measures your heart rate.

A 24-hour blood pressure measurement is a safe examination. You may experience tingling in your arm during the measurement or inflation of the blood pressure band. This will go away by itself. The noise made by the device can sometimes make sleeping difficult.

Duration of the study

24 hours

Results of the study

After the examination period, a computer reads the data from the blood pressure monitor. You will have another appointment with your doctor to discuss the results of your examination.